ARTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. 23-25 October 2019 - Braga, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Braga

A great university translates its core values into social impact, measuring ambition with social responsibility, laboring not for the profit of the few but for the good of humanity. As a leading research university, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) contributes to the strengthening of society by producing life-changing science, educated citizens and forward-looking entrepreneurs.

Over the past 50 years Universidade Católica Portuguesa has drawn on the great tradition of Catholic universities to develop an internationally minded transformational education and research model. We boast amongst our alumni, a Nobel Prizer winner, several of the world’s top CEO’s and political leaders, renowned scientists, Church leaders and social entrepreneurs. They are world leaders representing the quality our education and inspired by their alma mater’s determination in the pursuit of ethically driven, creative and innovative solutions .

We aim to continue to foster cutting-edge science, to further innovative educational models and continuously improve on the quality of our infrastructure. While doing so, we act to empower the capabilities and creativity of students, inspiring them to do better, to aim high and to be professionally relentless in the pursuit of the common good.

We believe that a valuable education for the future is guided not by simple tradition, knowledge and opportunity, but that on top of all this is energized by the ultimate goal of using science to build a better world and foster a dignified living for all.

Braga Regional Centre is the campus in the city where Universidade Católica Portuguesa was born with the Faculty of Philosophy in 1967. It marks its presence in the Minho region, in the north of Portugal, a great city to study and to appreciate its historical wealth and young and academic spirit.